
Future Electronics Global B2B Commerce


Future Electronics - Global B2B Commerce

Future Electronics is an electronic part supplier for some of the worlds largest manufacturers of digital products. They most likely had a key part in the device you are browsing this website on. Future Electronics partner with clients globally to provide unique supply chain services and distribution models making it a truly global player. With over 5 billion in annual revenue through traditional offline sales, Future Electronics was an ideal candidate for business transformation through digital commerce and customer experiences.


Understanding the Customers

Understanding the customer was key to developing an optimal experiences. This industry has a specific set of customers and needs to address. Interviews and surveys were performed to understand the unique nuances for each customer type and scenarios which were developed into personas to design and test against.  

Understanding the Journey

Understanding the digital product lifecycle and journey of each persona was pivotal in identifying where digital experience can go beyond just selling parts to being the go-to, trusted partner. We we able to identify key persona needs and aimed our sites on leading in industry information, services and integrated supply chain experience to compliment the commerce experience. 



Understanding Cultural Differences

The Chinese market is crucial for Future Electronics and as part of a global business strategy, launching in the Asia markets first was important speed-to-marketing intiative. It was quickly understood that they're are culture differences in business, purchasing, commerce and UX/UI between Western and Chinese markets. We quickly adapted by leverage Chinese design consultants and performed local user testing to ensure we were launching with the correct experiences. This translated into interested experience differences such as adaptive vs responsive design, volume of content, QR code usage, site chat, Ali-pay and delayed payment/bartering after checkout.